SV: [Gluster-devel] Re-exporting NFS to vmware

Gordan Bobic gordan at
Thu Jan 6 17:00:06 UTC 2011

Fredrik Widlund wrote:
> If you're re-exporting a gluster filesystem, the re-exporting node will act as a proxy. As a concept this is fairly natural, and in itself it shouldn't be a problem. 

It's natural, but Sylar was saying it's inefficient - which it is, 
because you end up hammering one node for all the files, including the 
ones that aren't on it.

> And I did say that it is possible to re-export a FUSE filesystem, not impossible. 

IIRC it required fuse patches that weren't in the mainline, and when I 
tried it, it caused reliability problems and some corruption issues that 
went away when I switched to unfsd. Unless I missed something recently, 
I don't think the stance on kernel nfs exporting fuse file systems has 
changed, but I'd love to hear otherwise.


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