[Gluster-devel] Fixing dht rename of directory symlink

Amar Tumballi amar at gluster.com
Wed Aug 17 06:19:52 UTC 2011

>> > 1. Can you submit this patch in accordance to the development work flow
>> > outlined at
>> >
>> http://www.gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/Development_Work_Flow
>> I started submitting 4 minor patches to see if I understand the thing
>> correctly
We advise submitting one large patch. (or if there are review comments, then
're-submit' than submitting another patch altogether). That way, a feature
comes in with just one commit in codebase.

> Thank you so much! this makes it much easier for us to accept
> contributions. can you please re-run ./rfc.sh for each of your submissions
> and enter bug id as 2923 (the NetBSD port bug)? I'll merge them once the
> changes move away from the "rfc" state.
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