[Gluster-devel] Can I bring a development idea to Dev's attention?

Craig Carl craig at gluster.com
Sun Sep 26 02:02:44 UTC 2010

Ed - 
I'll follow up on your request with engineering and professional services, can we get back to you Wednesday latest? 



Craig Carl 

Sales Engineer; Gluster, Inc. 
Cell - ( 408) 829-9953 (California, USA) 
Office - ( 408) 770-1884 
Gtalk - craig.carl at gmail.com 
Twitter - @gluster 
Installing Gluster Storage Platform, the movie! 

From: "Ed W" <lists at wildgooses.com> 
To: gluster-devel at nongnu.org 
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 5:35:21 PM 
Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] Can I bring a development idea to Dev's attention? 

Does someone from Gluster like to contact me with a "reasonable" offer 
for sponsoring some kind of "optimistic cache" feature, with a specific 
view to optimising the NUFA server side replication architecture? 

I would specifically like to optimise the case that you have a flat 
namespace on the server (master/master filesharing), but you optimise 
the applications in such a way that the applications running on each 
brick (NUFA) only touch a subset of all files (in general). eg a 
mailserver with a flat filesystem, but users are proxied so that they 
generally touch only a specific server, or a webserver with a flat 
namespace where a proxy points specific domains to be served by specific 

In this case I would like to see a specific brick realise that it's 
predominantly the reader/write for a subset of all files and optimise 
it's access at the expense of other bricks which need to access the same 
files (ie I don't just want to turn up the writeback cache, I want cache 
coherency across the entire cluster). I would accept that random 
read/writes to random bricks would be slower, in return for the 
optimisation that reads/writes would be faster *if* the clients optimise 
themselves to *prefer* to touch specific bricks (ie NUFA). Such an 
optimisation should not be set in stone of course, if the activity on a 
subdirectory generally seems to move across to another brick then that 
brick should eventually optimise it's read/write performance (at the 
expense that another brick's access now becomes slower to that same 
subset of files.) 

Anyone care to quote on this? Seems like it's a popular performance 
issue on the mailing list and with some optimisation later it also seems 
like the basis for cross datacenter replication? 


Ed W 

Gluster-devel mailing list 
Gluster-devel at nongnu.org 
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