[Gluster-devel] build glustersp-image?

Harshavardhana harsha at gluster.com
Mon Jan 11 23:26:31 UTC 2010

Hi Luke,

    if you need to build Gluster Storage Platform, you would need certain
rpms off hand at directory "/rpm/glustersp" inside which you need to copy
the packages as below and run "createrepo /rpm/glustersp"

Gluster Storage Platform (Management tools)

GlusterFS Packages

Gluster Web UI

Below packages are available on our ftp site.
ucarp - http://ftp.gluster.com/pub/gluster/glusterfs/misc/ucarp/
unfs3-0.9.23booster0.5 -

OFED basic packages - 1.5

As of now the build system is totally local we have not made a tarball
release on glustersp-image itself to say it will build off the shelf. But
subsequent releases we will host repositories for these purposes. Thanks for
trying to build storage platform.

Let us know how it goes.
Gluster - http://www.gluster.com

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:31 AM, Luke Meyer <sosiouxme at gmail.com> wrote:

> Perhaps I'm dense but I can't see offhand how to build the GlusterSP
> image using the repo at git://git.gluster.com/glustersp-image.git - I'm
> guessing the other repos need to be in the right places with a pool of
> RPMs, but beyond that and looking through the autoconf bits I'm not sure
> what steps are used to put it all together. Can someone give me some
> pointers?
> Thanks in advance,
> Luke
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