[Gluster-devel] find: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong?

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Fri Jan 8 12:10:42 UTC 2010

During my performance testing of various combinations of glfs and nfs 
using the kernel build process, I came across something in some 

Specifically, during make clean after building:

find: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for ./arch/x86_64/kernel: this 
may be a bug in your filesystem driver.  Automatically turning on find's 
-noleaf option.  Earlier results may have failed to include directories 
that should have been searched.

In the logs:
[2010-01-08 11:08:08] E [posix.c:3156:do_xattrop] src-store: getxattr 
failed on /redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.x86_64/.tmp_versions 
while doing xattrop: No such file or directory

Is there some kind of write re-ordering optimization going on that 
breaks things?

The volume spec file I'm using is attached. The server 1 in AFR is 
powered down, and server 3 uses a similar spec file but without the 
caching applied since it is a slave-only backup server that no 
applications connect to.

The client machine is connecting via unfsd.

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