[Gluster-devel] Problem with TLA ver > 887
Mickey Mazarick
mic at digitaltadpole.com
Sun Feb 8 17:49:10 UTC 2009
Heh our tests are kind of an unholy mess... but here's the part I think
is useful:
We use a startup script that will iterate through vol files and mount
the first available file on the list. We have a bunch of vol files that
test a few different server configurations. After mountpoints are
prepared we have other scripts that start virtual machine on the various
In other words I have a directory called "/glustermounts/" and in that
directory I have the files:
main.vol main.vol.ib main.vol.tcp stripe.vol.ha stripe.vol.tcp
after running "/etc/init.d/glustersystem start" I will have the
following mount points:
/system (our default mount, we actually store the vol files here)
The output shows me if any vol file failed to mount and it automatically
attempts the next one (ex" "mounting main.vol failed, trying
main.vol.ib"). We simply arrange vol files from most features to least.
We have a separate script which starts up a virtual machine on each test
mount. This is the actual "test" we use as it creates symbolic links,
uses mmaps etc but it's pretty specific to us. This closely mirrors how
we use it in production.
I've included out startup script and I would suggest you simply run
something similar to your production on a few mounts in the same way we
have. I may share this with the entire group although there are probably
better init scripts out there. This one does kill all processes attached
to a mount point which is useful. Let me know if you have any questions!
-Mickey Mazarick
Geoff Kassel wrote:
> Hi,
> As a fellow GlusterFS user, I was just wondering if you could point me to
> the regression tests you're using for GlusterFS?
> I've looked high and low for the unit tests that the GlusterFS devs are
> meants to be using (ala http://www.gluster.org/docs/index.php/GlusterFS_QA)
> so that I can do my own testing, but I've not been able to find them.
> If it's tests you've developed in-house, would you be interested in
> releasing them to the wider community?
> Kind regards,
> Geoff Kassel.
> On Thu, 5 Feb 2009, Mickey Mazarick wrote:
>> I haven't done any full regression testing to see where the problem is
>> but the later TLA versions are causeing out storage servers to spike to
>> 100% cpu usage and the clients never see any files. Our initial tests
>> are with ibverbs/HA but no performance translators.
>> Thanks!
>> -Mickey Mazarick
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