[Gluster-devel] FIRST_CHILD(frame->this)->fops->create
Anand Avati
avati at gluster.com
Thu Aug 6 03:29:27 UTC 2009
If this is the actual code below you have in your fop, please look for
the comments inline -
> Example code for the "hang" case, from my prototype (inside
> a function called from inside the xlator->write handler);
> loc_t data_loc;
> char path[255];
> char name[255];
> char * data_path;
> char * data_name;
> int32_t flags;
> mode_t mode;
> fd_t * fd;
> memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
> if(snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "/data.db") <= 0)
> return -1;
> memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
> if(snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "data.db") <= 0)
> return -1;
> data_path = CALLOC(1, strlen(path) + 1);
> ERR_ABORT(data_path);
> memset(data_path, 0, sizeof(data_path));
> memcpy(data_path, path, strlen(path));
> data_name = CALLOC(1, strlen(name) + 1);
> ERR_ABORT(data_name);
> memset(data_name, 0, sizeof(data_name));
> memcpy(data_name, name, strlen(name));
> memset(&data_loc, 0, sizeof(data_loc));
> data_loc.inode = NULL; // redundant
you need to have the loc->inode and loc->parent members filled in
properly. See fuse-bridge.c and server-protocol.c on how to generate
create()able inodes and fds. To reach the parent inode of the
directory where the file needs to be created, refer the
fuse_loc_fill() or server_loc_fill() functions.
> data_loc.path = data_path;
> data_loc.name = data_name;
> flags = O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL;
> mode = (mode_t)0700;
> memset(fd, 0, sizeof(fd_t));
> STACK_WIND(frame,
> xlator_func_writev_create_cbk,
> FIRST_CHILD(frame->this),
> FIRST_CHILD(frame->this)->fops->create,
> &data_loc, flags, mode, &fd);
the fd pointer should be pre-allocated with fd_create(). Refer
fuse_create() and fuse_create_cbk() to figure out the right things to
do. If you can describe your requirements in more detail, we can
suggest a few tips and directions on how to proceed.
> gf_log(this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "Hung above me");
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