[Gluster-devel] How to increase a throughput

Vikas Gorur vikas at zresearch.com
Mon Oct 27 11:33:55 UTC 2008

2008/10/27 Ben Mok <benmok at powerallnetworks.com>:
> Hi ,
> I am using GlusterFS-1.3.12, fuse-2.7.3glfs10 , I have four servers and four
> clients, what do you suggest to improve the throughput of them, increase
> number of clients or servers?

You can try loading the following performance translators and see if it

* io-threads: load this just above your storage/posix translators on
  the servers

* read-ahead: if your applications mainly make sequential reads, loading
  this translator on the clients will increase throughput.

* write-behind: if your applications are write-intensive, loading this
  translator on the client side may help performance.

Vikas Gorur
Engineer - Z Research

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