[Gluster-devel] rdiff-backup to glusterfs share doesn't work at all

Hannes Dorbath light at theendofthetunnel.de
Mon Nov 24 19:09:49 UTC 2008


I'm using GlusterFS 1.3.12. I'm trying to backup from local fs with
rdiff-backup to a GlusterFS mount. It errors out with lots of:

Warning: listattr('/foo/bar.tmp.1'): [Errno 2] No such file or directory
UpdateError foo/bar Updated mirror temp file /foo/bar.126 does not match

I tried to remove ra/wb/iothreads translators, but it didn't help. The
share is a unify volume from 3 discs.

Any idea how to solve that?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Hannes Dorbath

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