[Gluster-devel] how to stop a gluster server

Amar S. Tumballi amar at zresearch.com
Tue May 27 20:18:31 UTC 2008

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Shaofeng Yang <syang at incando.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am wondering how to stop a gluster server.
> Just kill the pid with [gluster]?  If the client and server running on the
> same machine, both will show as [gluster] from ps. How to identify which
> one
> is the client/server?

There are already few init.d scripts available in 'extras/init.d' directory
of source, also you can use  --pidfile option while running glusterfs so you
can differentiate  client for server. Soon we will be evaluating few more
init.d scripts we got from community, so you can have more example to look.


Amar Tumballi
Gluster/GlusterFS Hacker
[bulde on #gluster/irc.gnu.org]
http://www.zresearch.com - Commoditizing Super Storage!

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