[Gluster-devel] Rehashing because st_nlink less than dentry maps
Yann Dupont
Yann.Dupont at univ-nantes.fr
Mon May 26 14:20:57 UTC 2008
Raghavendra G a écrit :
> Hi Yann,
Hello. Sorry for the late answer.
> Is it possible to attach the complete log file from client side? Also
> can you please provide the following information?
first the context : I'm trying to put a server for freenx (no machine).
There is lots of accounts. Home directory are created on the fly with pam.
Glusterfs is hosted on 3 nodes, Each has 2 volumes.
each volume is mirrored with afr.
The 3 subvolumes are unified.
The whole is used on a 4th machine.
I've turne all optimisations off for the moment.
Here is the glusterfs-client.vol
# file: /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs-client.vol
## 1er groupe.
volume remote1a
type protocol/client
option transport-type tcp/client
option remote-host gluster1.univ-nantes.prive
# option window-size 2097152
option remote-subvolume brick3
volume remote1b
type protocol/client
option transport-type tcp/client
option remote-host gluster2.univ-nantes.prive
# option window-size 2097152
option remote-subvolume brick3
volume mirror1
type cluster/afr
subvolumes remote1a remote1b
#### 2eme groupe.
volume remote2a
type protocol/client
option transport-type tcp/client
option remote-host gluster1.univ-nantes.prive
# option window-size 2097152
option remote-subvolume brick4
volume remote2b
type protocol/client
option transport-type tcp/client
option remote-host gluster3.univ-nantes.prive
# option window-size 2097152
option remote-subvolume brick3
volume mirror2
type cluster/afr
subvolumes remote2a remote2b
volume remote3a
type protocol/client
option transport-type tcp/client
option remote-host gluster3.univ-nantes.prive
# option window-size 2097152
option remote-subvolume brick4
volume remote3b
type protocol/client
option transport-type tcp/client
option remote-host gluster2.univ-nantes.prive
# option window-size 2097152
option remote-subvolume brick4
volume mirror3
type cluster/afr
subvolumes remote3a remote3b
### Assemblage avec unify.
volume remote-ns
type protocol/client
option transport-type tcp/client
option remote-host gluster1.univ-nantes.prive
option remote-subvolume ns2
volume unify0
type cluster/unify
option scheduler rr # round robin
option namespace remote-ns
subvolumes mirror1 mirror2 mirror3
the volume is mounted OK. df, ls, etc is working OK.
The I tru to access the server with nxclient. This is working via ssh.
The login fail when home is on glusterfs. It's fine when the home
directory is on local disk.
Here are the logs. 2 try. I've turned debug on.
I've attached the file, this is long.
> * Filesystem operation which caused this hang.
Only access to the server via nxclient.
nxclient is connecting via ssh and forks a process, as far as I can see.
> * Is any other process accessing the same file (or any other operation
> being performed on the same file), for which fuse_fd_cbk said that
> open got EINTR?
Not that I know.
> In general any information describing about actions being performed on
> the glusterfs during hang would be helpful.
The server is idle & I'm not performing anything else.
Yann Dupont - Service IRTS, DSI Université de Nantes
Tel : - Mail/Jabber : Yann.Dupont at univ-nantes.fr
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