[Gluster-devel] A namespace question

Einar Gautun einar.gautun at statkart.no
Fri May 23 08:39:15 UTC 2008

Hi all,
The namespace can be deleted and started over on a running system. 
But can we have a namespace locally on every client in stead of
centrally on a server? That could maybe save time when doing a big copy
job with lots of file creation. As I understand the namespace function
the other clients will then start to make their own namespace update
based on the new files created. But this will be done without to much
disturbance, and later you will in general have lots of saved network
traffic when all clients have their namespace lookup locally.

Am I in to something, or just completely lost?

Einar Gautun                     einar.gautun at statkart.no

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