[Gluster-devel] gluster limitation

Amar S. Tumballi amar at zresearch.com
Wed May 21 07:50:13 UTC 2008

with current versions GlusterFS, the limitations are as follows:
* number of inodes              - 2^64
* size of the largest file       - 2^64
* size of filesystem in bytes - 2^64

* max length of the path (it can be even length of single filename). -

* no limit on number of files in a directory (obviously not more than 2^64).
* no limit on number of directories created (again, not more than 2^64).

There is no limitation of on the content of the path, unless otherwise fuse
has some limitations (which i doubt, some one clarify me). So, no worries
about paths in different language. (our team has not tested it, as none of
us have any keyboard with different languages :O, other than english)

So, mostly if any limitation depends mainly on the backend filesystem,
rather than GlusterFS.


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Ben Mok <benmok at powerallnetworks.com>

> Hello !
> I have some questions for gluster file system limitation. What is the
> maximum file size and filesystem size on gluster ? How many files and
> sub-directory can be created in one directory? How long is the length of
> file and directory name? Do it support multiple language for file and
> directory name?  Do the limitation also depend on the local file system ? I
> am using XFS for each server nodes.  Thank you so much !
> Ben
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Amar Tumballi
Gluster/GlusterFS Hacker
[bulde on #gluster/irc.gnu.org]
http://www.zresearch.com - Commoditizing Super Storage!

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