[Gluster-devel] Setup recommendations - 2 (io-threads)
exco at bat710.univ-lyon1.fr
Fri May 16 07:43:42 UTC 2008
Amar S. Tumballi wrote:
> threads (as specified by the option). But, it doesn't make sense to have
> more threads than number of CPUs available. It works good if the thread
> count is same as number of CPUs you have in server.
With 2 CPU ==> 2 threads.
If the server receives 2 request for data not in its disc cache
the 2 threads will be blocked by the disc access.
And if a third request asks for data that is in the server cache
it will not answer even if it can do it quickly.
Am I wrong ?
With NFS servers, it seems to me that it was recommended to have
4 threads per processor.
Thierry.EXCOFFIER@@liris.univ-lyon1.fr// GO: Oriental Strategy Game
LIRIS/UFR Informatique, bat710 //DYLAN: Programming Language
Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1 __// UNIX: Standard Operating System
43 Bd du 11 novembre 1918 //
69622 VILLEURBANNE, FRANCE //WWW: http://www710.univ-lyon1.fr/~exco
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