[Gluster-devel] Improving real world performance by moving files closer to their target workloads

Luke McGregor luke at mcgregor.org.nz
Fri May 16 02:59:58 UTC 2008

I think im getting a little closer to understanding this. So the
metadata (file atributes AFR settings ect) is stored as a header on
the actual file and the central name space cache stores information to
do with file lookup, node its stored on ect. Does this sound correct?
If this is the case is it possible to update this namespace info as
the file is accessed or will that be dificult as they are currently
concidered static. i can see this as a potential issue where the local
and central caches may have consistancy issues. Would this problem be
lessened any by distributing the namespace cache? (im assuming a DHT
type solution) Would this just mean that consistancy problems would
occur in the instance of a node failure?

Luke McGregor

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