[Gluster-devel] NUFA Scheduler

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Fri May 16 00:10:12 UTC 2008

OK, I clearly misunderstood something.
All I am trying to achieve is have the same process handle the client 
and server aspects, so that mounting the AFR-ed FS gets the local server 
going, too. Is that not achievable? Because what I have _seems_ to 
actually work, only I cannot mount the FS from a single server from a 
remote node, I just get "end point not connected". But files between the 
two servers do get replicated.

Attached is a sample config of what I'm talking about. The other server 
is the same only with home1 and home2 volumes reversed.


Anand Babu Periasamy wrote:
> Hi Gordan,
> Schedulers are only available for Unify translator. AFR doesnt support
> Usually for HPC type workload, we do two separate mounts.
> 1) Unify (with NUFA scheduler) of all the nodes
> 2) Unify (with RR scheduler) of all AFRs. Each AFR mirrors two nodes.
> -- 
> Anand Babu Periasamy
> GPG Key ID: 0x62E15A31
> Blog [http://ab.freeshell.org]
> The GNU Operating System [http://www.gnu.org]
> Z RESEARCH Inc [http://www.zresearch.com]
> Gordan Bobic wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to use the NUFA scheduler and it works fine between the 
>> machines that are both clients and servers, but I'm not having much 
>> luck with getting client-only machines to mount the share.
>> I'm guessing that the problem is that I am trying to wrap a "type 
>> cluster/afr" brick with "option scheduler nufa" with a 
>> protocol/server, and export that. Is there any reason why this 
>> shouldn't work? Or do I have to set up a separate AFR brick without 
>> "option scheduler nufa" to export with a brick of "type protocol/server"?
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