[Gluster-devel] glusterfs speed

Anand Avati avati at zresearch.com
Tue May 13 04:24:40 UTC 2008

> I realise that the speed of the glusterfs will be lower than NFS, but
> for my tests, I can get the speed to be similar (linespeed) for large
> files, but for small files NFS is much faster. I have tried using
> server-to-server AFR and client-based AFR, with and without unify, with
> and without the various performance volumes as recommended in the
> documentation. But I haven't been able to find a setup that is faster
> than 1/3 the speed of NFS for small files.
> I'm wondering if anyone could post their config files for the server and
> client that has reasonable performance for small files (this is going to
> be for web data so most files are <50kb)

If you are looking at serving static files via web, you might be interested
in mod_glusterfs (available in the glusterfs--mainline--3.0 branch).
mod_glusterfs is currently available for apache-1.3, lighttpd-1.4 and
lighttpd-1.5 (we are working on apache2 support).

http benchmarks show mod_glusterfs boosts the performance significantly,
especially for small files (by avoiding the fuse context switch overhead)


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