[Gluster-devel] trusted.glusterfs.version xattr

Martin Fick mogulguy at yahoo.com
Fri May 9 17:21:47 UTC 2008

--- Derek Price <derek at ximbiot.com> wrote:

> Martin Fick wrote:
> > Starting with
> > 
> >  /a/b/c/A    /a/b/c/B    /a/b/c/C
> >  /:2         /:2         /:2
> >  a:2/2       a:2/2       a:2/2       
> >  b:2/2/2     b:2/2/2     b:2/2/2
> >  c:2/2/2/4   c:2/2/2/5   c:2/2/2/6
> >  A:2/2/2/4/1 B:2/2/2/4/1 C:2/2/2/6/1
> Should B be 2/2/2/5/1 here?  

Yes, that should be a 5

> So you are adopting a version number based 
> on the parent's minor version at time the file was
> created?  

Yes, although I would no longer call it minor/major,
more like a version # that uses all the parents
version# as the prefix

> I had misunderstood that you were recalculating the
> version number based on the _current_ directory
> version (recalculating it on each file version 
> access) rather than actually storing it as a
> file attribute at the time of file creation.

No, I am only calculating it once at creation time!

> I think this would work as well as the scheme I was
> proposing, assuming you are also updating all child 
> version numbers on the move of a parent.

Why would that be needed?


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