[Gluster-devel] glusterfsd core dumps

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Wed May 7 16:35:02 UTC 2008

The crash log is attached.


Anand Avati wrote:
> Gordan,
>  can you please attach the backtrace from gdb and the logs of the server 
> during the coredump?
> avati
> On 06/05/2008, *gordan at bobich.net <mailto:gordan at bobich.net>* 
> <gordan at bobich.net <mailto:gordan at bobich.net>> wrote:
>     I just did a bit more digging, and it seems related to the
>     posix-lock feature. If I remove that from the volume stacks,
>     everything works fine.
>     The machine on which glusterfsd core dumps is the secondary server
>     (as per the afr component list ordering) and is x86-64. The primary
>     (IA32) machine continues fine without the core dump.
>     Configs for both sides are attached. Have I made a mistake in the
>     configs?
>     Gordan
>     On Tue, 6 May 2008, gordan at bobich.net <mailto:gordan at bobich.net> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I've just observed what seems like a problem related to remote
>         startind glusterfsd over ssh. If I ssh into one of my glusterfs
>         servers, su to root and start glusterfsd, it starts fine and
>         everything works. However, as soon as I log out, glusterfsd
>         seems to die and core dump.
>         If I do it with nohup it doesn't seem to happen, so I'm guessing
>         it's the session reset that causes the problem. I'm guessing
>         this isn't the expected behaviour. An uncaught signal (SIGHUP?)
>         somewhere, perhaps?
>         This only seems to have started happening since I added the
>         posix lock brick and re-ordered the storage volume bricks so
>         they are listed in the same order on all servers.
>         Gordan
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> -- 
> If I traveled to the end of the rainbow
> As Dame Fortune did intend,
> Murphy would be there to tell me
> The pot's at the other end.

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