[Gluster-devel] Re: Up for review, server side afr tutorial

Krishna Srinivas krishna at zresearch.com
Fri May 2 05:56:11 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 4:30 AM, Brandon Lamb <brandonlamb at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Brandon Lamb <brandonlamb at gmail.com> wrote:
>  > http://www.gluster.org/docs/index.php/Setting_up_AFR_on_two_servers_with_server_side_replication
>  >
>  > Most importantly please check out the "Breaking things" section I
>  > added. I will have to go look through the mailing list for
>  > conversations regarding this.
>  >
>  > There is no way around losing the cluster by doing server side afr is
>  > there? If you lose a server, the whole thing is down.
>  >
>  > Does this change if you have more than 2 servers? So far my testing
>  > and instructions have only been dealing with two servers and one or
>  > more clients.
>  http://www.gluster.org/docs/index.php/Setting_up_AFR_on_two_servers_with_server_side_replication
>  Hm ok this is kind of strange actually.
>  So in the example, we have 2 servers doing server side afr to each
>  other. Then we have two clients, client1 connects to server1 and
>  client2 connects to server2.
>  Now if you kill glusterfsd on server2, client2 no longer works, I
>  would expect this. But why does client1 no longer work?
>  If you do afr client side and a server goes down, you can continue
>  working because the client still has access to the other server, why
>  does this not hold true when doing server side afr?
>  Shouldnt client1 that is connected to server1 still be working?
>  server1 should still have access to the volume since it has a local
>  copy even though server2 is down shouldnt it?
>  What is going on here that is so different? client2 cant talk to
>  server2 because its down, ok. client1 can talk to server1 because it
>  is up, but it doesnt work because server1 cant talk to server2?


Can you check the logs for clues on why you got I/O error?


>  phewwww!
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