[Gluster-devel] RE: Help needed

Rohan rohan.thale at moneycontrol.com
Thu Jul 17 06:51:33 UTC 2008

Thanks for the help.



Day before yesterday one storage server had problem. We are running
glusterFS server on it. This faulty server is member of 3 AFR. Other 2
servers were running without problem. Server was down for a day. 


After server was up I ran self heal command "find /mnt/glusterfs -type f
-print0 | xargs -0 head -c1 >/dev/null".


I got following out put for many files.


head: cannot open
`/gfs-data1/mailbox/0/0/spam at in.com/mails/22ebf60e5843ea9946ffe05f439652c5ca
7e0439' for reading: Input/output error (this I understand it got self heal)

head: cannot open
`/gfs-data1/mailbox/0/0/spam at in.com/mails/fc2080d273fb767df2660b52cd69b67eb1
8e56f6o' for reading: No such file or directory

head: cannot open
`/gfs-data1/mailbox/0/0/spam at in.com/mails/6f444176af4a238239360800172a6a1a19
3afbef' for reading: No such file or directory

head: cannot open
`/gfs-data1/mailbox/0/0/spam at in.com/mails/6bd73dbf7db1cf0c6acf56fa18d4f6fe63
f950eco' for reading: No such file or directory

head: cannot open
`/gfs-data1/mailbox/0/0/spam at in.com/mails/3fec9cef25a2f43b1b1f0a712375dc23de
30fb28o' for reading: No such file or directory

head: cannot open
`/gfs-data1/mailbox/0/0/spam at in.com/mails/0fd0ba2a4d8c52de7c52b09abbfec726c6
e4e67bo' for reading: No such file or directory

head: cannot open
`/gfs-data1/mailbox/0/0/spam at in.com/mails/52fae85ff4366d7d8492d5154ead0659fd
37f48do' for reading: No such file or directory



Why "No such file or directory" these errors are coming? These files are not
present in file system. Why find command finding them?


Your help is really appreciated.





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