[Gluster-devel] Re: webservers vs. glusterfs vs. namespace

Sascha Ottolski ottolski at web.de
Sat Jan 19 20:46:26 UTC 2008

Am Samstag 19 Januar 2008 14:16:31 schrieb Sascha Ottolski:
> For me, I'm only serving small static image files that live on a
> gluster mount. And find it strange and unexpected that apache1
> outperforms apache2, nginx and lighttpd so significantly...

I just found out something, may be this sheds some light on the 
situation: I had "use epoll;" configured for nginx. If comment it out, 
the request/second increase by almost 50%. It's still worse than 
apache, but getting closer after all.

May also be useful: If I disable "sendfile", performance drops again. If 
I configure 4 instead of only 1 workers, performance also drops.

Cheers, Sascha

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