[Gluster-devel] the default 5% free space is not enough

LI Daobing lidaobing at kingsoft.com
Mon Jan 7 09:34:07 UTC 2008


consider the following case in [1], /dev/sdc1 is full, but the
calculated free disk percent will be 5 in rr schedule (it's about
5.03%), and rr will still want to create file on the disk.

I have found the workaround, just increase the value in conf file. But
please increase the default value to a larger one (for example: 10),
or improve the algorithm to get the correct avaiable space.


Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1            480719056 456559388         0 100% /home/second_disk

The glusterfs version in this system is 1.3.2, and I am very sure this
issue have not been fixed in tha TLA.

Best Regards,
 LI Daobing

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