Reply-To was: Re: [Gluster-devel] Patch for "Striped" read from AFR volumes

Csibra Gergo gergo at
Tue Jan 1 22:19:57 UTC 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008, 10:04:44 PM, Csibra Gergo wrote:

> Other: There's some misconfiguration in this mailing list. My email
> address is in the "To:" field, and the gluster-develATnongluDOTorg in
> the CC field. This means, If I make a Reply, I reply only to the
> people who wrote the message, and not to the list. Must reply-all and
> modify the "To:" field.

OK. This is wrong. Again. There's no Reply-To field in messages comes
from this list. You can set that:

So, in Reply-To: header munging section of General Options set the
"Where are replies to list messages directed? Poster is strongly
recommended for most mailing lists" to This list, not to Poster. I
don't know why Poster is recommended.

Best regards,
 Csibra Gergo                            mailto:gergo at

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