[Gluster-devel] filesystem full / unify

Jan Gehring jan.gehring at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 08:40:24 UTC 2008

Hello ml,

we have the following gluster setup for our backup storage.

|--------------   u n i f y ----------------|
| gluster1   <-- afr ---> gluster2 |
| gluster3   <-- afr ---> gluster4 |
| gluster5   <-- afr ---> gluster6 |
| gluster7   <-- afr ---> gluster8 |
|--------------   u n i f y ----------------|

gluster1 / 2 has 8gb free diskspace
gluster3 / 4 has 2 gb free diskspace (*)
gluster5 / 6 has 2 gb free diskspace (*)
gluster7 / 8 has 2 tb free diskspace

(*) => no writes due to alu.limits.min-free-disk 6GB

Now, when i try to copy a large file (40gb) into the gluster it starts
writing to gluster1/2. after 8gb gluster1/2 has no more free diskspace
and the copy process dies.

Is there a configuration option for unify to write on an other
gluster-server if one server run out of space during a write?



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