[Gluster-devel] non-blocking connect() returned: 111 (Connection refused)

Jordi Moles Blanco jordi at cdmon.com
Wed Dec 17 11:28:48 UTC 2008


i've got 6 nodes providing a storage unit with gluster 2.5 patch 800. 
They are set in 2 groups of 3 nodes each.

On top of that, i've got a Xen 3.2 machine storing its virtual machines 
in gluster mount point.

The thing is that i used to have only 2 nodes for group, that's 4 nodes 
in total, and today I'm trying to add 1 extra node for each group.

This is the final setting on Xen's Side:


volume espai1
        type protocol/client
        option transport-type tcp/client
        option remote-host
        option remote-subvolume espai

volume espai2
        type protocol/client
        option transport-type tcp/client
        option remote-host
        option remote-subvolume espai

volume espai3
        type protocol/client
        option transport-type tcp/client
        option remote-host
        option remote-subvolume espai

volume espai4
    type protocol/client
    option transport-type tcp/client
    option remote-host
    option remote-subvolume espai

volume espai5
    type protocol/client
    option transport-type tcp/client
    option remote-host
    option remote-subvolume espai

volume espai6
    type protocol/client
    option transport-type tcp/client
    option remote-host
    option remote-subvolume espai

volume namespace1
        type protocol/client
        option transport-type tcp/client
        option remote-host
        option remote-subvolume nm

volume namespace2
        type protocol/client
        option transport-type tcp/client
        option remote-host
        option remote-subvolume nm

volume grup1
        type cluster/afr
        subvolumes espai1 espai3 espai5

volume grup2
        type cluster/afr
        subvolumes espai2 espai4 espai6

volume nm
        type cluster/afr
        subvolumes namespace1 namespace2

volume g01
        type cluster/unify
        subvolumes grup1 grup2
        option scheduler rr
        option namespace nm

volume io-cache
        type performance/io-cache
        option cache-size 512MB
        option page-size 1MB
        option force-revalidate-timeout 2
        subvolumes g01


so... i stopped all virtual machines, unmounted gluster on Xen, updated 
the spec file (the one above) and ran gluster again in Xen.

I've set different gluster environments but i had never tried this, and 
now i'm facing some problems.

For what i had read before this... i used to think that when adding and 
extra node to a group and "remounting" on client's side, the Healing 
feature would copy all the content of the other nodes already present in 
the group to the "new one". That hasn't happened, even when I've tried 
to force the file system, by listing the files or doing what you suggest 
in you documentation:


find /mnt/glusterfs -type f -print0 | xargs -0 head -c1 >/dev/null


so... my first question would be... does "self-healing" work this way? 
If it doesn't.... which is the best way to add a node to a group? Do i 
have to run a "copy" command manually to get the new node ready?
I've also noticed that i have necessarily to umount gluster from Xen. Is 
there a way to avoid stopping all the virtual machines, umounting and 
mounting again? Is there a feature like "refresh config file"?

And finally... i looked into the logs to see why self-healing wasn't 
working, and i found this on Xen's Side:

2008-12-17 12:08:30 E [tcp-client.c:190:tcp_connect] espai6: 
non-blocking connect() returned: 111 (Connection refused)

and it keeps saying this when i want to access  files which were created 
in the "old nodes".

is this a bug? how can i work around this?

If i create new stuff, though, it replicates to the 3 nodes, no problem 
with that.... the only problem is with the old files that were already 
present before i added the new node.

Thanks for your help in advance, and let me know if you need any further 

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