[Gluster-devel] Re; Load balancing ...

gordan at bobich.net gordan at bobich.net
Wed Apr 30 12:56:12 UTC 2008

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, Gareth Bult wrote:

>> It would certainly ber beneficial in the cases when the network speed 
>> is slow (e.g. WAN replication).
> So long as it's server side AFR and not client-side ... ?


> I'm guessing there would need to be some server side logic to ensure 
> that local servers generated their own hashes and only exchanged the 
> hashes over the network rather than the data ?

Indeed - same as rsync does.

>> Journal per se wouldn't work, because that implies fixed size and write-ahead logging.
>> What would be required here is more like the snapshot style undo logging.
> A journal wouldn't work ?!
> You mean it's effectiveness would be governed by it's size?

Among other things. A "journal" just isn't suitable for this sort of 

>> 1) Categorically establish whether each server is connected and up to date
>> for the file being checked, and only log if the server has disconnected.
>> This involves overhead.
> Surely you would log anyway, as there could easily be latency between an 
> actual "down" and one's ability to detect it .. in which case detecting 
> whether a server has disconnected it a moot point.

Not really. A connected client/server will have a live/working TCP 
connection open. Read-locks don't matter as they can be served locally, 
but when a write occurs, the file gets locked. If a remote machine doesn't 
ack the lock, and/or it's TCP connection resets, then it's safe to assume 
that it's not connected.

> In terms of the 
> overhead of logging, I guess this would be a decision for the sysadmin 
> concerned, whether the overhead of logging to a journal was worthwhile 
> .vs. the potential issues involved in recovering from an outage?

That complicates things further, then. You'd essentially have asynchronous 
logging/replication. At that point you pretty much have to log all writes 
all the time. That means potentially huge space and speed overheads.

> From my point of view, if journaling halved my write performance (which 
> it wouldn't) I wouldn't even have to think about it.

Actually, saving an undo-log a-la snapshots, which is what would be 
required, _WOULD_ halve your write performance on all surviving servers if 
one server was out. If multiple servers were out, you could probably work 
around some of this with merging/splitting the undo logs for various 
machines, so your write performance would generally be around 1/2 of 
standard, but wouldn't end up degrading to 1/n+1 where n is the number of 
failed servers for which the logging needs to be done.

>> The problem that arises then is that the fast(er) resyncs on small changes
>> come at the cost of massive slowdown in operation when you have multiple
>> downed servers. As the number of servers grows, this rapidly stops being a
>> workable solution.
> Ok, I don't know about anyone else, but my setups all rely on 
> consistency rather than peaks and troughs. I'd far rather run a journal 
> at half potential speed, and have everything run at that speed all the 
> time .. than occasionally have to stop the entire setup while the system 
> recovers, or essentially wait for 5-10 minutes while the system re-syncs 
> after a node is reloaded.

There may be a way to address the issue of halting the rest of the cluster 
during the sync, though. Read lock on a syncing file shouldn't stop other 
read locks. Of course, it will block writes while the file syncs and the 
reading app finishes the operation.


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