[Gluster-devel] Local vs unify

gordan at bobich.net gordan at bobich.net
Mon Apr 28 09:43:44 UTC 2008

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, Gareth Bult wrote:

>> Im not a developer so I cant speak for anyone else, but I dont
>> remember reading anywhere that glusterfs was production ready, a final
>> project, or anything to that matter? Is this not a project in the
>> works? If it works for you in its current state, super, but otherwise
>> it is an actively developed project? I also dont remember seeing that
>> you had to PAY for it anywhere, it is FREE. So to complain about it or
>> get rude over it, especially when you have not contributed or added
>> anything constructive to it, well thats kind of lame in my eyes.
> Ok, let's be clear here, so far as I can seem GlusterFS is available as a commercial product.
> http://www.zresearch.com/subscription.php
> One of my points was that there is a HEAVY implication that this IS a 
> production ready environment.
> This is liable to encourage people who are doing a little more than just 
> "playing".

You're way off the mark here. You're inferring that it isn't production 
ready from it seemingly being unable to do what _you_ want for _your_ use 
case. As I pointed out in the other thread, for your use case, there are 
more appropriate tools for the job.

> Is this not a typical open sourced project model, release a free product 
> and feed the free testing results back into the commercial model?

IMO, it _is_ a typical OSS model. If you want to contribute, you are free 
to do so. If you don't want to contribute, it is still free for you to 
use. I'm not sure I understand what you are implying the problem to be.


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