[Gluster-devel] Local vs unify

Gareth Bult gareth at encryptec.net
Sun Apr 27 12:33:38 UTC 2008

>Are there some benchmrks available about this ?

I'm not entirely sure how useful benchmarks are, certainly in this context. As demonstrated by the benchmarks currently on the site, it's quite possible to make them show pretty much whatever you want if you pick your own context.

Gluster REALLY is quick in some contexts, certainly I can make Gluster look quick compared to NFS if we're talking about access to a single file or copying larger files. If on the other hand we're talking smaller files (i.e. many real world situations) then Gluster falls flat. "find" on a large gluster FS can take minutes rather than seconds on a local FS (for example).

It may of course be I'm doing it all wrong .. however (!) if I am, given the time I've spent and the fact that I do have it all working, there may be room for improvement when it comes to the documentation (!)

>local storeage CAN be notable

Note; gluster (in particular AFR) on large files is currently flawed (IMHO). gluster on lots of small files is, as far as I can see flawed in the context of being too slow compared to local file-system access. This is not to say that Gluster is not useful or that issues cannot be fixed.

You might be advised to setup your own test framework and test with your own data to get a true measure of how Gluster will perform for "you" in "your" environment ... Gluster is SO flexible, generic benchmarks can often be nothing more than speculation..

Just to clarify; I think Gluster's general design is second to none .. I just there there are still a few implementation glitches to work through ...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alain Baeckeroot" <alain.baeckeroot at laposte.net>
To: gluster-devel at nongnu.org
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:04:55 AM GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] Local vs unify

Le samedi 26 avril 2008, Gareth Bult a écrit :
> Technically, if you have local storage on each node then GlusterFS/Unify is a useful solution, but the performance overhead compared to local storeage can be notable. 

Are there some benchmrks available about this ?

Alain Baeckeroot

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