[Gluster-devel] glusterFS on rocks4.3?

Ricardo Garcia Mayoral ricardo at torroja.dmt.upm.es
Thu Apr 17 14:28:56 UTC 2008


We have recently acquired a cluster with 64 quad nodes,and have 
installed rocks4.3 with the default CentOS 4.5 (kernel 
2.6.9-55.0.2.ELsmp). We are now trying to set up the node hard disks as 
a common, redundant storage device. The default way to share tha hard 
disks in rocks is pvfs2, but it's quite difficult to implement failsafe 
redundancy on top of it. At the rocks mailing list, we were suggested to 
try with glusterFS, and that seems to provide exactly what we are 
looking for.

The problem is that we have not been able to install it, mainly for 
dependency issues. Has anybody some experience or suggestions on how to 
install glusterFS over CentOS 4.5)?


Ricardo Garcia Mayoral
Computational Fluid Mechanics
ETSI Aeronauticos, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Pz Cardenal Cisneros 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain.
Phone: (+34) 913363291  Fax: (+34) 913363295
e-mail: ricardo at torroja.dmt.upm.es

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