[Gluster-devel] Can't mount glusterfs volume is one of an AFR set is down.
Rodney McDuff
mcduff at its.uq.edu.au
Wed Apr 9 00:45:05 UTC 2008
I have a unified set of 3 AFR bricks each containing 3 storage bricks. I
also a namespace brick (for the unify) which is also a AFR set composed
of 3 bricks (see vol config attached). The bricks are Mac OSX 10.5.2
boxes running "glusterfs 1.3.8pre5 Repository revision:
glusterfs--mainline--2.5--patch-734" built using the Mac OSX recipe on
the wiki.
When all bricks of up I can mount the glusterfs volume just fine. I can
copy large numbers of files and directories onto the mountpoint no problems,
When one of the bricks is down (host is still up but glusterfsd *not*
running) I can't mount the volume. I see a fuse log error in
Apr 9 10:03:34 ilc-template kernel[0]: MacFUSE: force ejecting (no
response from user space 5)
Also attached is a log of glusterfs logging at DEBUG.
Dr. Rodney G. McDuff |Ex ignorantia ad sapientiam
Manager, Strategic Technologies Group| Ex luce ad tenebras
Information Technology Services |
The University of Queensland |
EMAIL: mcduff at its.uq.edu.au |
TELEPHONE: +61 7 3365 8220 |
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