[Gluster-devel] Problems with unify

Antonio González antonio.gonzalez at libera.net
Fri Apr 4 10:45:58 UTC 2008

Hello all, 


I have made some test with the unify translator to check the viability
scenario is 4 machines, 2 storage servers, 1 server witch creates the unify
translator, and 1 client. If the server 1 goes down and I “mkdir” in the
client, when the server returns if I list the directory in the client, the
directory is created in the server, but if I try to “cp” or “mv” a file/es
directly over the directory (without using the “tab” to list the directory)
an inconsistency occurs. The directory will be not created at the server and
the client will not be able to read these files.


In future releases, the self-heal of unify will be automatic??? I say, When
a server goes down and returns after, a process checks automatically the
consistency of namespace and child nodes.





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