[Gluster-devel] Some gluster questions

Reinis Rozitis r at roze.lv
Tue Apr 1 15:03:07 UTC 2008

> You could either completely avoid the client/server thing and directly 
> have the cluster and posix translators on the client side (under fuse), or 
> you could use transport/unix to avoid tcp on local machines.

Thanks for the quick response and it works just as expected..

Just another question - if I mount now all the volumes localy this way 
skipping the glusterfsd can I also start glusterfsd and export the volume to 
be mounted on remote clients?
Basically - can the the bricks and namespace be mounted/reused by more than 
one 'glusterfs(d)' instance or it will conflict and thrash the the 
filesystem if clients acess files different ways?

Or even more - can an exported brick (posix filesystem as a bulk diskspace) 
be a part of different storages eg in one setup it is part of afr in other 
part of unify? (this is just a theoretical question to clarify how weird can 
gluster be "programmed" and still remain consistent)


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