[Gluster-devel] Performance question.

Chris Johnson johnson at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Wed Nov 21 14:09:57 UTC 2007

      Hi, again,

      I asked about stack building philosophy.  Apparently there isn't
one.  So I tried a few things.  The configs are down the end here.

      Two systems, CentOS5, both running fuse-devel-2.7.0-1 gluster
enhanced, glusterfs-1.3.5-2.  Both have gigabit ethernet, server runs
a SATABeast.  Currently I ge the following from from iozone.

iozone -aN -r 32k -s 131072k -f /mnt/glusterfs/sdm1/junknstuff

                                                             random  random    bkwd  record  stride
               KB  reclen   write rewrite    read    reread    read   write    read rewrite    read   fwrite frewrite   fread  freread
           131072      32     589     587      345      343     818     621     757     624     845      592      591     346      366

Now, a similar test using NFS on a CentOS4.4 system running a 3ware 
RAID card gives this

iozone -aN -r 32k -s 131072k -f /space/sake/5/admin/junknstuff

                                                             random  random    bkwd  record  stride
               KB  reclen   write rewrite    read    reread    read   write    read rewrite    read   fwrite frewrite   fread  freread
           131072      32      27      26      292       11      11      24     542       9     539       30       28     295       11

And you can see that the NFS system is faster.  Is this because of the
hardware 3ware RAID or is NFS really that much faster here?  Is there
a better way to stack this that would improve things?  And I tried with
and without striping.  No noticable difference in gluster performance.

      Help appreciated.

============  server config

volume brick1
   type storage/posix
   option directory /home/sdm1

volume brick2
   type storage/posix
   option directory /home/sdl1

volume brick3
   type storage/posix
   option directory /home/sdk1

volume brick4
   type storage/posix
   option directory /home/sdk1

volume ns-brick
   type storage/posix
   option directory /home/sdk1

volume stripe1
  type cluster/stripe
  subvolumes brick1 brick2
# option block-size *:10KB, 

volume stripe2
  type cluster/stripe
  subvolumes brick3 brick4
# option block-size *:10KB, 

volume unify0
  type cluster/unify
  subvolumes stripe1 stripe2
  option namespace ns-brick
  option scheduler rr 
# option rr.limits.min-disk-free 5

volume iot
  type performance/io-threads
  subvolumes unify0
  option thread-count 8

volume writebehind
   type performance/write-behind
   option aggregate-size 131072 # in bytes
   subvolumes iot

volume readahead
   type performance/read-ahead
#  option page-size 65536 ### in bytes
   option page-size 128kb ### in bytes
#  option page-count 16 ### memory cache size is page-count x
page-size per file
   option page-count 2 ### memory cache size is page-count x page-size
per file
   subvolumes writebehind

volume server
   type protocol/server
   subvolumes readahead
   option transport-type tcp/server     # For TCP/IP transport
#  option client-volume-filename /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs-client.vol
   option auth.ip.readahead.allow *

============  client config

volume client
   type protocol/client
   option transport-type tcp/client
   option remote-host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
   option remote-subvolume readahead

Chris Johnson               |Internet: johnson at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Systems Administrator       |Web:      http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/~johnson
NMR Center                  |Voice:    617.726.0949
Mass. General Hospital      |FAX:      617.726.7422
149 (2301) 13th Street      |A compromise is a solution nobody is happy with.
Charlestown, MA., 02129 USA |     Observation, Unknown

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