[Gluster-devel] Some problems reproduced (strace, test code etc.)

Anand Avati avati at zresearch.com
Fri May 25 17:05:05 UTC 2007

 please see replies inline

> 1) Mmap "no such device" error

This is currently a limitation of fuse, where it is unable to mmap
which has written(dirty) pages since it cannot reliably flush pages. I
saw a few mails being exchanged about the fix for this happening in
fuse. All fuse based filesystems currently face this, till the fix
enters a fuse/kernel release.

> 2) Low troughput with "dd" its default blocksize

default 'dd' happens with 512 bytes which causes an exceptionally high
number of context switches. this is a known effect.

> 3) cat: -: No such file or directory, when chrooted inside a glusterfs
> Linux root

does it work with chrooted non glusterfs root? I'm looking into this..

thanks for the extensive tests!


> These problems occur with the following (all) combinations I've tested:
> - Linux 2.6.18 (FUSE API 7.7) / Libfuse 2.6.5 / Gluster 1.3.0-pre4
> - Linux 2.6.18 (FUSE API 7.8) / Libfuse 2.6.3 / Gluster 1.3.0-pre4
> - Linux 2.6.18 (FUSE API 7.8) / Libfuse 2.6.5 / Gluster 1.3.0-pre4
> - Linux 2.6.20 (FUSE API 7.8) / Libfuse 2.6.5 / Gluster 1.3.0-pre4
> - Linux 2.6.20 (FUSE API 7.8) / Libfuse 2.6.3 / Gluster 1.3.0-pre4
> - Linux 2.6.18 (FUSE API 7.8) / Libfuse 2.6.5 / Gluster 1.4 (patch 174)
> You can find the spec files I am using at:
> http://www.satl.com/~machuidel/glusterfs/
> The spec files are the same as delivered by default in "examples". No changes.
> Glusterfsd and the glusterfs mount are both on the same machine.
> Hope it helps.
> Machuidel
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Anand V. Avati

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