[Gluster-devel] mainline--2.5 patch 247 errors

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Sat Jun 30 21:20:21 UTC 2007

Gerry Reno wrote:
> My old AFR config is not giving me any replication at all.  I write 
> and remove files via the clients but nothing gets replicated.  Has the 
> AFR format/syntax changed (since about pre3) ?
Doesn't look like it changed from what I have:
volume afr
  type  cluster/afr
  subvolumes  client0 client1 client2 client3
  option  replicate *:4

# ps -e | grep gluster
10464 ?        00:00:00 glusterfsd
10467 ?        00:00:00 glusterfsd
10470 ?        00:00:00 glusterfsd
10473 ?        00:00:00 glusterfsd
10477 ?        00:00:00 glusterfs
10481 ?        00:00:00 glusterfs
10485 ?        00:00:00 glusterfs
10489 ?        00:00:00 glusterfs
all processes are running.

[root at grp-01-30-01 glusterfs]# find /mnt/gluster*
all the old files are there

So let's put a new one out there:
[root at grp-01-30-01 glusterfs]# touch /mnt/glusterfs0/file3
[root at grp-01-30-01 glusterfs]# find /mnt/gluster*
/mnt/glusterfs0/file3   <----
but it doesn't replicate anywhere.


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