[Gluster-devel] BUG: Segmentation fault on glusterfsd pre5.3 start

KE Liew ke.liew at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 08:55:23 UTC 2007


Happens after I upgraded from pre5.2 to pre5.3. Kernel 2.6.18-4-vserver-686,
distro Debian Etch, using FUSE 2.6.5-1 (from Debian Lenny). Upgrade process
is done by overwritting pre5.2, instead of make uninstall && make install.
This is reproducible every single time on the glusterfsd server. Glusterfs
client seems to be ok, no errors on start.

You will find the spec file here http://rafb.net/p/LU1igd13.html

Core dump and traces are here http://rafb.net/p/T4oO1Z32.html

If anymore information is needed, please tell me. :)



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