[Gluster-devel] memory leak with 2.5--patch-628

Sascha Ottolski ottolski at web.de
Sun Dec 30 15:02:48 UTC 2007


I'm wondering if anyone may have a hint how to track down a memory leak in 
glusterfs client. The leak is easily reproduced (at least here :-)) by 
sending a "rsync -avP" or "find -exec head -c1" over the mountpoint, that 
carries millions of files. The leak happens while the rsync scans the 
directory, before transferring any files.

I didn't collect any hard numbers up to now, but I've seen glusterfs proc 
growing to about 3.5 GB after scanning 5 mio. or so files. The size of the 
process never seems to shrink, and I believe that it's not growing while 
tranferring data (I have a bonnie running for a while now, which doesn't seem 
to add to the process size).

I've seen a similar memory consumption in 1.3.0-pre4, 1.3.7 and even with the 
latest tla checkout, the latter accompanied with fuse-1.7.0-glf7, on a debian 
4.0, on amd64 hardware.

It appears as if switching on or off read-ahead/write-behind doesn't make much 
of a difference when it comes to the leaking, but I certainly need to check 
that more thoroughly. Other translators in the picture are afr and unify.

And of course I'm very much wondering if other people can reproduce this 



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