[Gluster-devel] afr fault recovery

Krishna Srinivas krishna at zresearch.com
Mon Aug 6 14:55:01 UTC 2007

Hi Nathan,

Can you confirm that you are not killing the server to which
the client connects?

According to the spec, client connects to server on
Which server are you running here(vs0/vs1/vs2)? What is the ip address of the
server you are killing?


On 8/6/07, Nathan Allen Stratton <nathan at robotics.net> wrote:
> I am running TLA 430 with 3 nodes:
> vs0 ns brick-a mirror-c
> vs1 ns brick-b mirror-a
> vs2 ns brick-c mirror-b
> I afr replicate *:3 the ns bricks into block-ns-afr and afr replicate
> *:2 each brick-(a-c) and mirror(a-c) with replicate *:2
> into block-(a-c)-afr.
> http://share.robotics.net/client.vol (same for vs0 - vs2)
> http://share.robotics.net/vs0_server.vol
> http://share.robotics.net/vs1_server.vol
> http://share.robotics.net/vs2_server.vol
> If I do a shutdown on any node the whole thing locks up. If I leave it
> down, it does not recover. If I then bring it back up, it does not
> recover. I have to restart glusterfsd on all boxes.
> -Nathan
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