[Gluster-devel] cdsl's

Anand Babu Periasamy ab at gnu.org.in
Fri Apr 13 17:32:25 UTC 2007

,----[ Christopher Hawkins writes: ]
| Hi guys, 
| I am doing some testing with glusterfs and like many others, I
| really like it! One feature I wonder about though is CDSL (context
| dependent symlink) support. Or if you don't plan to add this,
| perhaps a recommended way to get each particular host to see its own
| directory? A host dependent symlink?  Like: ls
| /etc/{{hostname}}/network TIA if anything is in the works on this.

It will be a fun to implement a translator for this. 


We can also have an option to create on first time access, it if such
a directory is missing.

It makes sense to call it CONTEXT-SENSITIVE-PATH (translator name as
context-path). I have added it to 1.5 release. But you will be
surprised to see it sooner.

Please propose a list of useful variables like the one I listed

Thanks for suggestions.
Anand Babu
GPG Key ID: 0x62E15A31
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