[Advisors] Ridiculously overdue board meeting notes (plus other things)

John Mark Walker johnmark at redhat.com
Wed Feb 29 10:44:49 PST 2012

Greetings, advisors. Long overdue on my list is to write up some of the things we discussed on our call a couple of weeks ago. For those of you who couldn't attend because of scheduling confusion, my apologies. I will remedy that for next time. 

Some of the highlights, as well as some other random notes thrown in for good measure:

- AB, Richard and Jeff agreed to get together and determine what it would take to create a hacker's document for GlusterFS. Jeff Darcy's blog posts on writing translators are here:

- We discussed helping create configuration profiles that fit a few basic use cases. No one jumped in to volunteer, but I'd like to get Joe Julian's and Semiosis' thoughts here, as you guys have been on the community front lines for quite a while.

- Trademark guidelines - I'm stealing from the fedora project and have Red Hat legal's blessing to do so. Beta guidelines to be posted soon, and I'd appreciate your help there.

- Developer summit - as soon as 3.3 is out the door, we need to have a summit/meetup thingy to discuss what's going into 3.4. Please include your thoughts under a separate subject header.

- Meetups - we're having one tonight, which is basically a repeat of the webcast I gave on January 26, as well as yesterday at the virtual build an open source cloud event. If you're in the bay area, please come by - http://www.meetup.com/GlusterFS-Silicon-Valley/events/48834282/
   - and if you'd like to start a Gluster meetup in your area, just let me know.

- Next board meeting - the Open Cloud Conference is taking place here in the bay area from April 30 - May 2. It would be good to have our next meeting at that time. 

- Board additions - I'd like to add 2 more people to the board. I'm nominating 1 - Cole Crawford - and I'm looking to nominate a 2nd. We can vote on these in an email thread. If you have ideas for nominations, please submit them. Think of people invested in the project, or who should be invested in the project, and have a strategic contribution to make.


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