[Advisors] Getting the Band Together

John Mark Walker johnmark at redhat.com
Wed Feb 1 19:12:35 PST 2012

Greetings, illustrious board members:

As you may have noticed, we sent out a press release regarding the fancy new advisory board for GlusterFS. We also had a webcast last week that went through some changes to the project. If you're so inclined, see this page for slides and a link to the recording: http://redhatstorage.redhat.com/2012/01/27/the-future-of-glusterfs-slides/

I would now like to turn our attention to making this board "real" and getting together for our first board meeting to discuss what's happening with GlusterFS for the rest of the year. 

I'll send out an invite shortly asking for your availability for a set of dates. Please respond as soon as you can. 

If you have comments on the release that went out last week, or anything else we're doing, feel free to voice them now. 


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