[Gluster-devel] Choice of Translator question

Gareth Bult gareth at encryptec.net
Sat Dec 22 10:53:42 UTC 2007


I'm using AFR to store a 1Gb database file and if I'm doing this correctly (?) it only mirrors the file when I shutdown the database server. 
i.e. it mirrors on the next file access following a file close .. (?) 

What I would "like" it to do is to mirror on a block write .. OR, just to mirror changed parts of the file. 

Is there any way to accomplish this, possibly using the stripe translator ? 

I've read through the documentation and spent much time playing around, but am failing to find the solution I'm looking for. 

I'm also running Xen instances mounted on a glusterfs/AFR, same sort of problem applies although this is less critical .. mirror only happens when I close down the instance .. when I restart the instance it completes a "heal" and copies the entire disk image before continuing. 

Can anyone help / explain ? 


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