[Bugs] [Bug 1361518] Files not able to heal after arbiter and data bricks were rebooted

bugzilla at redhat.com bugzilla at redhat.com
Thu Nov 24 10:35:08 UTC 2016


--- Doc Text *updated* by Ravishankar N <ravishankar at redhat.com> ---
If a file create is wound to all bricks, and it succeeds only on arbiter, the application will get a failure, but during self-heal, the file gets created on the data bricks with arbiter marked as source. Since data self-heal can never happen from arbiter, 'heal-info' will list the entries forever.

If 'gluster vol heal <volname> info` shows pending heals for a file forever, see identify that it is the above probem by:

i) checking that trusted.afr.volname-client* xattrs are zero on the data bricks

ii)checking that trusted.afr.volname-client* xattrs is non-zero  on the arbiter brick *only* for the data part (first 4 bytes)
#getfattr -d -m . -e hex /bricks/arbiterbrick/file |grep trusted.afr.testvol*
getfattr: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names

If it is in this state, then delete the xattr:

#for i in $(getfattr -d -m . -e hex /bricks/arbiterbrick/file |grep trusted.afr.testvol*|cut -f1 -d'='); do  setfattr -x $i file; done

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